Choosing the right promotional products for your business can be challenging (lucky we love a challenge!). There are *so* many options to choose from, with varying price points and minimum order quantities, so we understand the process can be daunting. To help you choose the right promo products for your business, we have five great tips to ensure you make the right choice:


  1. Who are your products for?

You need to consider your target audience in order to understand the types of promotional products they will find useful, or desirable. How old is your audience? What do they like to do? How might they use your product? For example, if your business is a car dealership, a branded keyring would be a great choice.


  1. How will your brand look on the product?

It’s branding 101 – make sure your logo is prominent on the promotional product. It’s important to understand how your logo and message will look on different products, and ensure you order products that displays your branding effectively.


  1. How much do you want to spend?

In an ideal world, budget would be unlimited (right?!). However, that’s not usually the case, and as such, it’s important to factor in budget when considering a promotional product. You need to think about how much you want to spend, how many products you need to order, and what the cost per unit is. Often, the cost per unit will be lower if you order in bulk, but you may not require a lot of items, or may have little storage space to store your items. Alternatively, a lower quality product may be cheaper, but you need to consider if the quality of the product affects the desirability to your target market.


  1. What’s the quality like?

Following on from point 3, you need to consider if the quality of your promotional products match your need. We recommend ordering the highest quality you can afford, unless your item is intended for a low-cost giveaway. It’s important to remember that a low-quality product can reflect poorly on your brand, and likely won’t be used regularly by you customers.


  1. What’s your timeline?

Timelines, timelines, timelines! An important, yet often neglected, consideration. You must consider the timing of your promotional product campaign, as if you’re planning on using your promotional product at a conference, trade show or event, you need to choose a product that will be ready in time. If your timelines are tight, it’s important to understand that not all promotional products may be available to you. The key? Plan your promotional products early to avoid any issues.


By considering these five factors, you can choose a promotional product that effectively promotes your business and increases brand awareness with your target audience.

Still need help deciding? Visit our showroom at 43 Cameron Street, Launceston, or Contact Us for more information.