The EOFY is fast approaching, and if you’ve been managing your marketing budget closely this year you may just have some budget left over. At Impression Promotional products, we offer value-for-money on a range of suitable promotional products and merchandise. Our range includes corporate gifts, stationery, apparel, and office supplies. All our products can be custom branded with your logo, so now is the time to take advantage of tax time and get your orders in before it’s too late!

Here are some great ways that we have seen our clients utilise their EOFY budgets on promotional products:

Re-stocking current merchandise and apparel

This is one of the most common order requests that we get as the EOFY approaches. Businesses that have previously ordered with us often use their leftover budget to do a full restock of promotional items. This often includes tees, hoodies, stickers, pens, magnets, banners, business cards, stress shapes, hats, beanies… the options are endless!

By ordering now, our clients are able to stock up on those items they have run out of, and prepare for future use by putting items away until they need them.

Gifting staff and clients

If you’ve had a great year, it can be a real morale boost for staff and clients alike by showing your appreciation with a branded gift. These simple thank-you gifts can go a long way in strengthening your relationships with staff and clients and building a positive organisational culture.

Many of our clients like to purchase branded notebooks, pens, drink bottles, softshell jackets, umbrellas, and diaries.

Hold an EOFY sale

EOFY sales are everywhere, and it can be hard to cut through the clutter. Make sure your business is top-of-mind and stands out by getting creative with your marketing budget and using promotional products to compliment your sale. This can be done through a giveaway, event, mail-out, or gift with purchase.

We have a range of promotional products that could complement any sale or special.

Take advantage of tax time and order the promotional products your business needs before the new financial year ticks over. So to order or for a free quote, contact Amanda or Damo today.